The complete go-to guide for beating COVID at home
Thu, 29 April 2021, 5:02 pm
An aged Indian woman looking out of
verandah in her house, wearing a face mask during coronavirus lockdown in
Kolkata. Concept of home isolation in the fight against coronavirus.
As India reels under the second wave
of Covid-19, the pictures that come to us on our screens, in our newspapers, on
our social media feed, and from everywhere, may seem grim.
However, a silver lining in these
daunting figures remain the low mortality rate. A large number of people,
including people as old as 102 years have recovered from
the virus, and have gone home. The national cumulative fatality rate stands
at 1.12 per cent,
and more than 64 lakh people have recovered so
A majority of the people who develop
symptoms also do not need hospitalization. Hence, what we do need to understand
is that if the infection is mild, with knowledge and due care, we can fight the
virus successfully at home with medication prescribed by the doctor, rest and
tested home remedies.
Knowledge is paramount in the fight
against the virus. The earlier you are able to read the symptoms correctly, the
sooner you can reach out for help, or give help.
This go-to guide will help you fight
the virus and recover at home:
What is CT count?
The most common method of detecting
the virus is through the RT-PCR test, while an antibody or serology test would
determine if you have developed antibodies to the virus and if you have had a
past infection. CT scans of the thorax are also done in some cases.
A Covid report mentions the CT
(cycle threshold) count – technically the number of cycles needed to
detect the virus. Hence, the lower the CT count, the higher the virus load is
and vice versa.
A CT count of 35 in the RT-PCR test
means that you are negative, while a CT count of lower than 35 means that you
are COVID-positive.
Symptoms to watch out for:
Since a lot of the symptoms for
viral fever, flu, and coronavirus overlap, there may be chances that what you
are feeling is not the virus. However, with the current scenario, it is better
to take precaution at the onset of any symptom as this can help prevent the
chances of spreading the virus, and the intensity of the infection.
While the virus affects different
people in different ways, here are some common symptoms to watch out for:
Common symptoms:
Dry cough
Sore throat
Runny nose and stuffy nose
Loss of taste and smell.
Apart from these common symptoms,
people are also reporting newer symptoms during the second wave:
Muscle or body aches and pains
Changes in voice or hoarseness
Rash or discoloration on fingers
and toes
Nausea and vomiting
No saliva production and dry mouth
These symptoms usually appear 2-14
days after exposure to the virus.
When would you need admission?
You will need to monitor your
symptoms and oxygen levels regularly. If any of the following symptoms appear,
get emergency medical care immediately:
Your oxygen saturation is less than
95 percent
Inability to stay awake
Persistent pain or pressure in the
Confusion/ worsening ability to
Persistent or recurring fever of 101
degrees Fahrenheit for more than 3 days
Bluish face or lips
According to the Ministry of
Health, you can home isolate if:
The Doctor has determined that you
have very mild symptoms, or are asymptomatic.
Do not have any co-morbidities, or
have been allowed by your Doctor to home quarantine
Your house has separate rooms and a
bathroom for yourself and the other members of your family
It would be ideal if you have a
caregiver round the clock, however, a number of hospitals do provide home care
How you can care for yourself at
Once your Doctor has given you the
go-ahead for home isolation (in case of patients) or quarantine (in the case of
caregivers), here are some tips you can follow to ensure a smoother recovery:
provisions stocked: Keep 14 days stock of
over-the-counter cough and cold medicines, cleaning supplies, and food
provisions so that you can limit the need to interact with others.
Setu app: The Health Ministry guidelines require
you to download the Aarogya Setu app
on your mobile phone and keep it active at all times.
Medicines: Prescribed by the doctor, which could include ivermectin,
Favipiravir or paracetamol if you have a fever. You would also be prescribed
multivitamins, and supplements such as Vitamin C, Zinc, and Vitamin D. Do not
self-medicate, even if it is just multi-vitamins!
Apart from Covid-19 medication,
the ICMR has also said that patients with co-morbidities such
as blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease should continue with their
medication unless advised by their Doctor,
sanitizers, floor cleaners, disinfectants, and required sanitation kit
with Betadine twice a day
mask: While you do not need to wear a mask
when you are alone in your room, ensure you wear it when a family
member/caregiver is near you. Ensure you dispose of your masks every 6-8 hours.
Keep disposable masks at hand to avoid reusing them.
utensils: If you are in isolation, it is
advisable to use disposable cutlery and throw it away after use. This will help
prevent cross-infection. If you must use non-disposable home cutlery, alternate
between two sets, ensure that you wash it thoroughly with soap and water, and
keep it out to dry.
wash: Wash hands regularly with soap and
water for 20 seconds or rub thoroughly with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Take ample
rest: Ensure you sleep for at least 8
hours, and avoid doing any work that would strain yourself. This is the time
your body needs to save all its resources to fight the virus.
Food: The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) recommends that
you eat a healthy, high protein diet, with three meals per day, containing
adequate vegetables and fruits. Consume fruits rich in Vitamin C such as citrus
fruits, grapes, berries, kiwi, and vegetables such as red, green, and yellow
capsicum. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day.
oxygen levels: Keep a pulse oximeter with you. This
is used to monitor oxygen levels and heart rate, and regularly check your
oxygen readings. Readings above 94 are healthy, between 92-94 could cause
hypoxia, and hence need to be monitored. You will need immediate medical
attention if your oxygen saturation falls below 92 percent.
Doctors also recommend the
six-minute walk test, where the patient's oxygen level has to be checked before
and after six minutes of walking around inside the room. Here is how you can
take the test:
Measure your oxygen level before you
start the test
Set a timer to six minutes
Walk around in your room briskly for
six minutes
Measure your oxygen level again
using the oximeter
Repeat this 2-3 times a day and note
the readings
Hospital admission is recommended in
case there is a fluctuation of 4 percent or more.
Up your
oxygen levels: You can practice breathing and
relaxation techniques such as yoga, pranayama, and meditation. Yoga exercises
such as Kapalbhati, Anulom Vilom, and other simple breath control practices help
reduce stress and increase lung capacity. However, do avoid forceful pranayama
as that could put excess pressure on the lungs.
The Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare recommends the prone position
(lying on your belly), if your saturation goes below 92 percent. To practice
pruning, lie down on your stomach with 4-5 pillows, placed at various parts of
your body.
external oxygen: You will
need external oxygen support if the saturation level falls below 90 percent,
or if breathlessness progresses into a more severe condition. With high-risk
individuals who have a history of lung complications, external oxygen therapy
maybe required.
You can use an oxygen concentrator, which is a medical device that concentrates
oxygen from the air. It does this by taking in the air from the atmosphere,
filtering it to release nitrogen back into the air, and using the oxygen. This
Oxygen is around 90-95 percent pure and can be used at home in the case of
mild patients.
However, you should not stock up on
oxygen at home, or start oxygen therapy without consulting a doctor first.
health: While you do need to take care of
your physical health, COVID can affect your mental health as well. While you
will not be able to physically meet them, keep in touch with your family and
friends digitally. If you are feeling depressed, anxious, or distressed, you can
get in touch with a number of startups and NGOs that offer counseling sessions
virtually for those who are unable to travel for their physical appointment or
wish to speak to a counselor. These include apps such as
PinkyMind, Wysa, Trijog, and YourDost, among others. Mindfulness and meditation
are known to counter stress and improve immunity.
Exercise: While you should avoid any strenuous activities, there are a
few simple, home-based exercises you can do. Easy wall pushes, stand marches
and side steps will help you get the strength back in your muscles, arms and
legs, without adding strain.
For caregivers
The Government recommends that only
one person be assigned as the caregiver of the patient. Here, you will be
responsible for the well-being of the patient, your own, and that of your
family. Hence, it is vital that you take care of your physical and mental well-being as well.
Here are some guidelines that you
should follow to ensure your loved one(s) gets well soon, while you stay safe:
Ensure you do not have any
co-morbidities as a caregiver
Constantly monitor the patient's
oxygen levels, fever, if any, and other symptoms such as excess fatigue,
inability to get up, slurred speech, a bluish tinge on the lips.
Ensure the patient receives
adequate, nutritious food and is hydrated with a lot of fluids.
Avoid staying in a closed room with
the patient. Always wear a mask and keep the room ventilated.
Wash hands thoroughly after contact
with the patient or their belongings.
Wear your mask - a double mask (
cloth + surgical) A triple-layered medical mask or N95 would be ideal, especially
if you are in the patient's room.
Be aware of color codes while
disposing of garbage. Disinfect all items used by the patient with ordinary
bleach solution or 1% sodium hypochlorite solution. Use yellow bags for
disposing of bio-medical garbage.
Wear surgical gloves when you handle
the patient's things or each time you enter the room.
The strain of looking after your
loved one, being under strict home quarantine for 14 days, and trying to balance
your own work with household duties can be overwhelming. Practice meditation
and mindfulness techniques, ensure you continue with your exercises at home.
Keep a list of all needed contacts
ready with you - this could be ambulance numbers, Government helplines,
your Doctor's number(s), family and friends who can help you, places where you
can get meals.
Follow Ayush Ministry's guidelines to
boost your immunity. You can do this by using home-based remedies such as
turmeric milk, herbal teas (not more than two times a day), Chyavanprash, warm
Discharge and post-Covid recovery
The Health Ministry states that
patients who do not have fever for three days, ten days after the onset of
symptoms, can be discharged. After that, the patient is advised to stay under
quarantine for another week and self-monitor symptoms. In the case of
asymptomatic patients, you can be with others ten days after testing
The process of care and healing does
not end with recovery alone. Keep a watch out for long-Covid symptoms that may include
persistent cough, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, headaches, muscle
ache, or mental health concerns such as anxiety and depression which may occur
five weeks to even 12 weeks after recovery. This will allow you to take the
necessary help and treatment.
Ensure that you continue to take care of yourself, take
adequate rest and eat healthy, nutritious food, stay physically and mentally