Is Kejriwal India’s Biggest Scam….
The Shocking Inside Story!!!One may wonder who was kejriwal 5 years back?? Very few people knew about him and his activities. But suddenly in 2011 we saw the emergence of a so called Anti Corruption crusader in the team Anna who launched the India Against Corruption movement. In a span of one year, he was known to entire country and people thought he was really an honest man who would change the politics of India.
But just after 5 years, what the country saw was another face of Kejriwal which was more dangerous than Congress. The mask which he wore for 2 years during the Anti Corruption movement had fallen and his real face of abusing, accusing and the worst, his Anti National attitude was exposed.
RSN Singh the former Intelligence Officer in Military and Research & Analysis Wing Expert disclosed the most unbelievable facts about Kejriwal with proof which stunned the Nation and wonder that we introduced a man worst than Congress into our system. So we may think was it only Anna’s movement which helped Kejriwal build his own party? Which helped him fund his party and people for campaign?
Let’s face it…No party can be built without money, elections cannot be campaigned or won without money. So do you think he managed with the money he collected from people? If you believe it there cannot be a bigger JOKE!
Central Intelligent Agency (CIA) of the United States almost control all the extra judicial affairs of the world, it may be India, Pakistan, UK, European Union, Germany and many more. These people get huge funding from the unknown MILLIONAIRES who are said to be the ENGINES of the world. They control business, media, politics, economics, Bollywood, Hollywood, smuggling, terrorists and what not!
Their main intention is to weaken the nations and hold control over them. Exactly why America acts as BIG DADDY to the world (American Presidential candidates are also chosen and influenced by the same agency). So those people in good terms with Ford and Rockfeller foundation will have always have BIG DADDY’s blessings. So they don’t like anyone speaking about Nationality or Patriotism.
To start with, the prestigious Magsaysay Award is also a wing of Ford Foundation and Rockfeller Foundation, the lobby mostly decides who should get the award and why?! Only a very small percentage people are awarded for their real work, M S Subbulakshmi, Kiran Bedi, M S Swaminathan, R K Laxman are few names whose contribution is known to the world. Otherwise majority of names are of strong leftist ideologies and their contribution is hardly known to people.
See this Document below which was declassified recently, CIA director Allen W Dulles who was the longest serving CIA agent signs the documents related to FORD-ROCKFELLER. The so called intellects, writers, professors of the target country are influenced and financially enticed by these organisations. The same foundation is the God father of Arvind Kejriwal and many other so called intellectuals in India (Award Wapsi Gang).
Kejriwal while in service started an NGO called Parivartan along with Manish Sisodia in 2001. The main objective quoted was to change the Indian system, for which the ford foundation had donated $ 80,000. But being a government servant, Kejriwal was not entitled to receive the money. So he immediately declared that the organisation was registered under Societies Registration Act 1860 and got exemption from Income Tax in section 80G of 12 A, this was a clear fraud on India.
In the year 2005, Kejriwal got huge funds from World Bank under the campaign Jan Sunvai which was also not registered and thus was declared a criminal act by the government. Later in 2006 Kejriwal resigned from service (He wasn’t relieved yet) and the same year he was given the Maysaysay Award. His name was nominated immediately after he got funding from World Bank, 2005 (World Bank list pg 29-33). Kejriwal had decided to resign from his job after he started receiving heavy amount from US based organization. The first installment of $80,000 was equivalent to 15 years of his salary. Immediately after this, he had submitted his resignation.
Kejriwal branched off from old NGO and started a new NGO in the year 2005 called Kabir which was again illegal as he was still in service. The report says that Kabir started functioning on 15th August 2005, the same day he received Rs 43,48,036/- from Ford Foundation. But the actual money given by Ford was 87 Lakhs. Documents showed that the ford foundation had infact given huge money even before the NGO was started.
But according to submission made by Kejriwal to FCRA (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act), he claims to have received a total sum of Rs 75,54,006 from 2005 to 2011. This was completely a bogus data and fake documents were produced. Huge irregularities were found and hence Kejriwal had removed all data from Kabir website and there was no record of money received from the 2007 to 2010.
But Kejriwal claims were nailed when the Ford Foundation website declared that they donated $1,97,000 in the year 2007 and Rs 60,75, 149 in the year 2008. Following this incident, all his NGO’s came under severe scrutiny after which he shut down all websites and declared that Parivartan is not a REGISTERED NGO or an ORGANISATION.
Kejriwal had also received huge donations from an organization called ASHOKA…But this is not an Indian based funding agency, but US based agency which was established during cold war and engages in galvanizing human resource for American influence.
He was recommended for the Magsaysay by the same people who had funded him. Steven Solnick the representative of Ford foundation had admitted on 31st August 2012 that Ford Foundation had funded his Magsaysay Award. The RTI application filed revealed huge misuse of funds by the NGO. Apart from Ford he also received money from Dutch Embassy (Rs 19,61,968), Indian friends Association (Rs 7,86,500), United Nations Development Program (Rs 12,52,742).
The Dutch Embassy is the same organization which funds Tessta Seetalvad and Congress in Gujarat and had helped them run a royal Anti-Modi campaign from the year 2002.
Another Dutch organization PANOS is the second largest fund raiser which mainly engages in controlling South Asian Media. Most of the channels in India receive huge funding from the same organization….ANSWER to why MEDIA is so ANTI-NATIONAL!
Kejriwal was no Super hero or a hard worker who grew because of his effort. He was a creator of the CIA to galvanize Anti India forces and weaken the Indian economy. Kejriwal was just one person among hundreds the CIA funds to push its ideology and suppress the developing countries.
These people work through academic route, one such lady was Ms Shimrit Lee who was part of Kabir Foundation. This lady’s mainly dealt with Tahrir Square Demonstration which we see in Ukraine now. It was she who introduced the MOHALLA COMMITTEE IDEA of Arab into India and launched Kejriwal as a person who can change the system. Now you can see why Kejriwal speaks about MOHALLA CLINIC!!!
Just type Ms Shimrit on Google Images….You will be shocked to see the information!
The Dutch and Ms Shimrit Lee mainly worked on destabilizing the North-East part of India, encourage Naxal domination and weaken the Indian democracy. The organizations also worked to stop India from Nuclear Development. The former Admiral also was a part of this organization and had critically opposed India’s Nuclear development. He was again a recipient of Magsaysay Award, he got his daughter married to a Pakistani. He was close aide of Kejriwal and had also accompanied him when he filed his nomination from Delhi.
Is it just a coincidence that all the supporters of Kejriwal and Congress are recipients of Ford Funding?? Is it coincidence that Kejriwal is a great admirer of Aruna Roy who stands with terrorists in Kashmir?? Is it coincidence that Kejriwal got all his transfers cancelled while in service and the person who helped him is none other than Sonia Gandhi.
Looking at these one can understand it is not just one or two person, but the entire system has been formed to DEMOLISH the Indian Structure. Exactly why Kejriwal is no politician but a threat to nation who was introduced into Indian Politics to break India and perpetuate the US dominance.
All the Information provided here are declassified documents got from RSN Singh (Former RAW & Intelligence Officer)
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