Thursday, 2 March 2023

                                            How to Learn English

English is an excellent language to learn, whether it's for business, travel, or personal reasons. Learning any language requires hard work, commitment, and a willingness to make mistakes, and English is no different. Read below to gather information about learning English.

Part 1: Improving Your Spoken English

1Speak a little English every day. The absolute best way to learn any new language is just to speak it. It doesn't matter if you only know five English words or if you're practically fluent -- speaking English with another person is the fastest, most effective method of improving.

Don't wait until you "feel more comfortable" speaking in English -- you probably won't reach that level for a long time, so push yourself outside of your comfort zone and start speaking English today. You' ll be amazed at how quickly your language skills improve.

Find a native English speaker who is willing to spend some time speaking English with you -- you may be able to offer them a language exchange, where they spend 30 minutes speaking English with you and you spend 30 minutes speaking your native language with them.

If you live in an English-speaking country, you can practice by starting simple conversations with the people you meet, whether it's saying "hello" to a shopkeeper or asking a stranger for directions.

2  Work on your pronunciation. Even if you have an acceptable grasp of the English language, with good grammar and an extensive vocabulary, native English speakers may find you very difficult to understand if you don't work on your pronunciation.

Correct, clear pronunciation is essential if you really want to improve your level of English. Listen closely to how native English speakers pronounce certain words and sounds and do your best to copy them.

Pay particular attention to any sounds that you are unfamiliar with or that do not exist in your native tongue. For example, some people have difficulty pronouncing the "r" sound, as it does not exist in their native language, while other people have difficulty with certain consonant clusters, such as the "th" sound.

Be aware that the pronunciation of certain English words varies greatly depending on the part of the world it's spoken in. For example, American English is very different from British English. If you intend to travel to or live in an English-speaking country, this is something you should take into account when learning how to pronounce certain words.

 3. Expand your vocabulary and use idiomatic phrases. The wider your vocabulary and the more English phrases you learn, the easier speaking English will become.

Again, spending time with native English speakers will help you to pick up on common vocabulary and phrases in a natural way. Although reading, watching English TV, and listening to the news is also beneficial.

Once you have learned a new word or phrase, you should make an effort to use it in a sentence -- this is the best way to commit it to memory.

Another easy way to commit new words to memory is to make labels for everyday household items and stick them around your house or apartment. Then every time you use the kettle or look in the mirror, you will see the English word for these items staring back at you.

You should also start a notebook of idiomatic phrases that English speakers use all the time. Some examples include "it's raining cats and dogs " (raining heavily), being on "cloud nine" (to be very happy), or saying something is a "piece of cake" (when something is very easy). Sprinkling these kinds of phrases into your conversation will bring your level of English up several notches.

4. Attend an English class or discussion group. Another great way to incorporate some extra English conversation into your weekly routine is to sign up for a class discussion group.

Attending an English class is a great way to focus on some of the more formal aspects of speaking English. A class will teach you the grammatically correct way of speaking -- which includes proper sentence structure and verb conjugation and will generally provide a very structured approach to language learning.

Attending a discussion group is a more informal and relaxed way of learning English, where the emphasis is more on communication and relationship building than on speaking "correct" English. Speaking English in this setting can help you to become more comfortable with speaking in front of other people.

\Both of these language-learning settings have their pros and cons, so it's best to do both if you can!

5  Carry a dictionary. Carrying an English dictionary with you at all times (whether it's an actual book or a phone app) can be very useful.

\Having a dictionary means that you will never be stuck for a word. It can save you a lot of embarrassment if you're having a conversation with an English speaker and forget a word in the middle of the sentence -- all you have to do is take a second to look it up!

Wednesday, 1 March 2023

Parts of speech play a very important role in writing and speaking English.

English has 8 parts of speech. 

English grammar has 2 parts.

basic grammar and functional grammar.

basic English grammar plays an important role in learning English, both written and spoken.

learning basic rules and parts of speech makes one skilled both in writing and speaking.

A grammar that puts together the patterns of the language and the things you can do with them is called functional grammar;  it is based on the relation between the structure of a language and the various functions that the language performs.

Speak English fluently with confidence

Do you want to speak English fluently?

Do you want to speak English without grammatical mistakes?

Do you want to speak English with high confidence?

Poor English is not your mother tongue problem!

Studies in mother tongue is not your problem for your good spoken English!

Your village background is also not a problem.

Remove your fear!

Be confident!!!

Your confidence gives you courage!!

Remove all these fears and struggles with


Learn English Speaking Skills through Telugu/ Hindi

 Business English

Business language skills are critical needs in this modern era of globalization and cut-throat competition.

            An employee that has competency in business language skills is likely to be able to climb up the career ladder with ease. And that applies to businesses as a whole, too: a recent study conducted by Bersin and Associates reveals that organizations that are able to communicate their strategies in a clear and precise manner are 113 times more likely to achieve higher levels of profitability and efficiency.

 Day-to-day English

    Become actively receptive to new words. Every time you read, there are opportunities to increase your vocabulary. Train yourself to be invariably aware when reading and listening to others, and remember the words that are not known to you. Look them up later in a dictionary.

             Consider keeping a small notebook with you and quickly jot down unknown words as you come across them for checking later.

             Learn the meanings and then add new words into everyday speech as regularly as possible. Provided you’re using each new word accurately and in context, it will begin to become second nature and you won’t worry about forgetting the definitions. Add the new words you meet in your reading to your own vocabulary. Write more. The more you write, the more your vocabulary increases .Open your mind to new ideas. Use the new words in your daily usage. Read the newspapers every day. Make it a habit. Start with a page a day, and in a while, your vocabulary will be expanded. Use the new words in your daily conversations.


Learn English Verbs

You may be knowledgeable about a certain area of expertise, but if you cannot communicate effectively, your ability to share that knowledge is affected. The incorrect subject-verb agreement can cause your writing to be confusing to the reader.

For example, the sentence below has an incorrect subject-verb agreement.

If your subjects and verbs disagree, you do not sound so good. In fact, a writer who does not understand the elementary concepts of grammar has no credibility.

Was the sentence easy to understand? You probably found it quite confusing. In this book Verbs, one will learn how to determine correct subject-verb agreement and correct verb tenses.

 English Prepositions

Prepositions are words that link nouns, pronouns, and phrases to other words in a sentence.

Prepositions usually describe the position of something, the time when something happens, and the way in which something is done, although the prepositions "of," "to," and "for" have some separate functions.

Prepositions can sometimes be used to end sentences. For example, "What did you put that there for?"

A preposition precedes a noun (or a pronoun) to show the noun's (or the pronoun's) relationship to another word in the sentence.

Learn English Adjectives and Adverbs

Adjective – a word used to modify or describe a noun or pronoun.

Adverb – a word that is used to modify an adjective, verb, or adverb.

There are three forms of adjectives and adverbs used to show varying degrees of comparison: the positive, the comparative, and the superlative.

The positive form is used when there is no direct comparison being made to anything specific but is used to offer a broad or general comparison.

The comparative form is used when two things are being compared with each other.

The superlative form is used when more than two things are being compared with one another.

Regular forms for one and two-syllable words.

positive – no change (big, strong, long, etc.)

comparative – words ending in "er" (bigger, stronger, longer, etc.)

superlative – words end in "est" (biggest, strongest, longest, etc.)

Regular forms for three or more syllable words.

positive – no change (understandable, comfortable, etc.)

comparative – use "more" (more understandable, more comfortable, etc.)

superlative – use "most" (most understandable, most comfortable, etc.)

Adverbs that end in "ly" always use "more" or "most", such as "more quickly" or "most quickly"..

Remember that these are general rules and many adjectives and adverbs have irregular forms.

Have a go and see how you do!

Learn English Conjunctions and Interjections


A conjunction is a word that “joins”.  It joins two parts of a sentence together.  There are two important ways to categorize conjunctions by their relationship and form.

First, we will look at the relationships of conjunctions.  There are both coordinating conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions in English.  Coordinating conjunctions are used to show that the elements being joined together by the conjunction are similar in importance and structure. 


Hey!  <– That is an interjection.

“Interjection” is a big name for what are often little words. Interjections are short exclamations like Hi, Oh!, or Ah.  They do not have real grammatical value in most sentences, but we use them often in English, usually when speaking, but also sometimes in writing. When interjections are put into a sentence, the interjection has no grammatical connection to the sentence.  It is important to note an interjection is sometimes followed by an exclamation mark (!) when it is written.


I,  Mrs. Varalakshmi Nimmagadda am an incessant learner and a voracious reader.  She loves literature and her love of literature has not stopped with my post-graduation in English but manifested as invaluable books useful for generations.

I have the zeal and the guts to choose the great Sanskrit work for translation. Guided by fervour I brought out Umasahastram [1000 Sanskrit slokas] into Telugu with many months of strenuous devout and diligent work. Only a woman of substance can do that. To make books in PageMaker, I have learned DTP - compiling and making books.

I work with page-maker laboriously into late nights, since my husband also writes in Telugu, English, and foreign languages, my work gets doubled and I get extreme physical exhaustion, and from that physical exhaustion, I derive satisfaction. I have abridged [shortened] many voluminous but vital books of inspiration like Gnananda a professor sage who headed the Nuclear physics department of Andhra University. 

I love music and to quench my thirst I  did diplomas in music (veena and vocal). I did my M.B.A. and worked as M.B.A. faculty. But my love of reading admiration pulled out from teaching.  After reading hundreds of books of various genres of English literature I  began translating English books into Telugu and vice versa.

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