Tuesday, 28 February 2023

                 Learn English Nouns and Pronouns

Verbs are certainly important, but you can only say a little with nouns!

In any sample of English--spoken or written--one of the 10 most common words is the.  What does that suggest?  Yes!  Lots of nouns--because the just about always occurs with a noun.

Additionally, noun phrase structure is complex and often a puzzle for our students. We know that learning to use a/an and the with the right noun types for the right meanings is difficult for many students.  And, the is one of the most common words, so the challenge meets students at every turn.

A noun is a word for a person, place, thing, or idea and is usually reasonably specific. Some examples of nouns are girl, lion, chair, and belief. Notice that each of these words represents a living or inanimate object, and you can picture each in your head. A pronoun could be used to replace one of these nouns if you did not want to use the specific noun. For instance, she is a pronoun that could be used to replace girl, and it is a pronoun that could be used to take the place of a chair. When a pronoun is used in place of a noun, it must match the number, point of view, and gender of the noun it is replacing.

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