Thursday 28 December 2023

Empathy is not:

Claiming, "I understand your feelings"
Presuming you know their situation
Instructing them to "be stronger"
Overlooking body language
Neglecting their emotions
Hurrying the conversation
Problem-solving for them
Dominating the dialogue
Downplaying their issues
Focusing on your needs
Resorting to platitudes
Cutting them off
A rapid solution

Empathy is:

Providing solace
Full engagement
Expressing regard
Joining in their quiet
Honoring their limits
Creating a safe space
Mirroring their feelings
Verifying understanding
Recognizing their reality
Affirming their experiences
Posing thoughtful inquiries
Acknowledging their viewpoint

How to apply this in practice?
6 methods to cultivate and demonstrate empathy:

1. Engage in Active Listening
Full attention on the speaker. No interruptions.

2. Echo Emotions
Reflect back, "It seems like you're experiencing..."

3. Pose Open Questions
Encourage them to elaborate a little more.

4. Don't Judge
Maintain an unbiased attitude and heart.

5. Provide Support, Not Just Fixes
Say, "What can I do to help you?"

6. Embrace Patience
Create the space they need to share their thoughts.

Empathy is an ongoing process, not a one-time event.

➟ It deepens trust with others.
➟ It enhances your leadership abilities.
➟ It's essential for professional and personal success.

Make empathy a daily practice.

It will change your life,
and the lives of others.

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