(Khalid Umar's brilliant post.. *Must read*...)
The liberal West is blaming it on Economic conditions like falling standards of public services in health, education, transport and worsening working conditions, etc. The leftists say that the unrest is due to Macron Govt. reducing housing benefits for the poorest, limiting the rights of the unemployed and now ‘reforming’ pensions to save money. They blame it on taxation disparity where the rich pay less tax etc.
Economic factors can’t be ignored. But it is not the root cause. *Unless the Europeans don’t recognise the root cause, they can’t find solutions as well.*
The WW2 totally annihilated the fabric of European societies. Europe encouraged immigration as it needed labour to build the continent. It started with labour immigration, then waves of family reunification, and irregular/forced immigration (asylum) came.
Immigrants were housed in Govt. housing projects as it is in all the European countries till date. That started the formation of Muslim dominated population centres across the Europe, in the suburbs of urban centres.
It was the beginning of ghettoisation - the division of society on faith lines.
*Economic conditions in the countries the Muslims come from are the worst in the world.* Even the worst economic conditions in the Western nations is still far better than what they immigrate from.
*The root cause of the troubles in France and the rest of the Europe is Islamic faith. It is the exclusivist nature of Islam, which is characterised by an utter disregard for opinions and ideas which are different from Islamic Sharia. Muslim populations therefore are naturally prone to form population ghettos as the organising principle of Islam is based upon excluding those entities which possess traits and ideology different from them.*
That ghettoisation gives further impetus to close-mindedness. *They live in echo-chambers of their faith based upon hatred of everything that is beautiful, be that painting, dance, music, wine, freedom of thought - everything that Europe is proud of.*
In my opinion, it is not due to the incident of shooting involving a police officer and Nahel that the big urban centres in France are on fire. If the anger is on Police, then why is the library torched, or private businesses like Nike store, or a gun store was ransacked.
Muslims represent approximately 10% of the population in France. It is their hatred and anger over the French measures to regulate mosques, Hijab ban, etc.
Does economic problems prompt grooming gangs by the Muslims throughout Europe, including UK, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, France targeting, adolescents, young girls. Is it because of economy that Sweden has become the rape capital of EU, courtesy Muslim immigrants? Germany has recently seen riots of the same scale.
It is a statistical observation by all the societies that *when Muslims approach close to 10% of the population, they tend to increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions. Any non-Muslim action offends Islam, and results in uprisings and threats. After 15% onwards, situation gets critical. France, Sri Lanka, Russia, Kenya, Uganda, India, Israel – all are within the 10%-20% bracket.*
*After reaching 20%, nations can expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings, and the burnings of Christian churches and Jewish synagogues. That is the future of any nation.*
The reason is simple. *Muslims don’t integrate into any just society. How are they behaving in India in response to democratic measures of UCC? Democracy is anathema to them.* The left liberals are trying to link this unrest and uprising with the class struggle economics, poverty, etc. It is total non-sense!
*The reasons of poverty in Muslims is not because of oppression of any kind but the decadent ideology they live for. The world must not have any sympathy with it.* They are so poor that instead of a grocery store they ransack a guns store!
The leftist ideology in the western academia and politics is the greatest enemy of the West. *The hoax of world population reaching unsustainable numbers was created. Today the fact is that population collapse is the greatest risk to the future of civilisation and specially the West.*
The statistics are already very alarming with *none of the European country fertility rate is 2.1 which is necessary to maintain their race. In 2021, the total fertility rate in the EU was 1.53.* Europeans as a race and ethnicity are diminishing. In the next 20 years, Europe's share of working-age people be somewhere between 50-55 %.
Scary times ahead!
It is thus urgent to put an end to the leftist discourse that it is class struggle, economy, poverty, ethnic disenfranchisement, colour, etc. No sir, it is the faith. It is the supremacist religion of Islam.
Europe has only one solution; UCC on the strictest scale. Control mosques and extremists as a top priority. Any Muslim of non European origin, no matter even of born in Europe, found guilty of any crime whatsoever, must be stripped of nationality and stripped back to the country of ethnic origin. EU is full of undocumented migrants from the Middle East and north Africa who cross the Mediterranean Sea into Italy and other parts of Europe. Just ship them back.
EUROPE has to *remember that secularism is not for Muslims. The most peaceful of Muslims societies have been under draconian laws and dictatorships. They have never lived in peace in democracy. Their compass is sharia which is dictatorship of Allah. This is the reason of their refusal to integrate.* It is now the human rights of Europeans which are at stake. Would the Europeans will be thriving and in control of their continent after 50 years will be decided today in the parliaments of Europe.
*Bomb hurling youths and public property burning masses, come from just one community!* Islam is the story of an ideology that has derailed it's youth from any humane / rational perspective to respond, instead of reactions.
*Islamophobia is a victim card they keep ready at the finger tips as an excuse to execute what their cult leader taught them!*
This is true Islam for you, however decadent it may seem! This is the real face of this cult!
- Khalid Umar