Business English
language skills are critical needs in this modern era of globalization and
cut-throat competition.
An employee that
has competency in business language skills is likely to be able to climb up the
career ladder with ease. And that applies to businesses as a whole, too: a recent
study conducted by Bersin and Associates reveals that organizations that are
able to communicate their strategies in a clear and precise manner are 113
times more likely to achieve higher levels of profitability and efficiency.
Day-to-day English
Become actively receptive to new words. Every time you read, there are opportunities to increase your vocabulary. Train yourself to be invariably aware when reading and listening to others, and remember the words that are not known to you. Look them up later in a dictionary.
Consider keeping a small notebook with you and
quickly jot down unknown words as you come across them for checking later.
Learn the meanings
and then add new words into everyday speech as regularly as possible. Provided you’re
using each new word accurately and in context, it will begin to become second
nature and you won’t worry about forgetting the definitions. Add the new words
you meet in your reading to your own vocabulary. Write more. The more you
write, the more your vocabulary increases .Open your mind to new ideas. Use the
new words in your daily usage. Read the newspapers every day. Make it a habit.
Start with a page a day, and in a while, your vocabulary will be
expanded. Use the new words in your daily conversations.