Meet 87-year-old Romesh Chander Bhardwaj, who fought Parkinson's disease with his positive attitude. He firmly believes in the slogan “Hum Honge Kamyab”
At the age of 72, he suffered from a Parkinson's stroke. His face, legs, hands, and tongue started trembling severely, making it extremely difficult for him to talk and walk. Doctors at leading hospitals gave up hope of any recovery at that advanced age. But with his unshakeable faith in the God Almighty, coupled with his resolute mind and strong willpower, he fought this disease. To soothe his strained nerves, he took to listening and singing bhajans. His recovery was considered a miracle by his doctors. He attended a seminar organized at AIIMS for persons suffering from Parkinson's. He motivated them by presenting his own example. Romesh Chander Bhardwaj, who could not talk during his illness, sang a bhajan on occasion much to the audience's delight. He has since produced a CD of his bhajans and distributes it for free.